The Influence of Internal Work Environment, Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment on Performance Serdang Bedagai Regency Social Service employee
Productivity, Performance and Human Resources DevelopmentAbstract
The influence of the internal work environment, job characteristics and organizational commitment on employee performance in the Serdang Bedagai Social Service (case study of data collection techniques). Government agencies were established with the aim of providing optimal civil, social and economic rights services to every citizen. Employee performance is influenced by various factors including the internal work environment, job characteristics and organizational commitment. This research aims to explain whether there is an influence of the internal work environment, job characteristics and organizational commitment on employee performance in the Serdang Bedagai Social Service. The population in this study was a sample of 30 people using population techniques. The independent variables are the internal work environment (X1), job characteristics (X2), and organizational commitment (X3) and the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). Data collection methods used were questionnaire and documentation methods. The data analysis method used was percentage description analysis and multiple regression methods.References
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